Advent & Christmas 2024

You're invited to St Matthew's Church this festive season

We're thrilled to announce our services and events taking place in the parish over the seasons of Advent and Christmas! We do hope you can join us as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh! This year, we're following The Church of England's theme of 'Follow the Star: Calm and Bright' and you can read more about the national campaign on their website.

A new addition for 2024 is that St Matthew's will be hosting the very first Mission Community Advent Carol Service for Chadderton and Royton!

Please get in touch with Revd Liz or one of the team if you have any questions or queries and they'd be delighted to assist you - you can find the relevant contact details by clicking here.

Whether you're a newbie or a regular member of our congregation, all at church look foward to welcoming you over the coming weeks.

Summary of Services