Make a Donation

We warmly welcome donations towards the running and upkeep of our Church so we can continue to share the Gospel in faith, hope and love.

One-off donations can be made using our online donation portal, a QR code to which is also given below. Should you wish to donate regularly to the Church, you can either set up a standing order (which is our preferred method) or request weekly giving envolopes to donate cash. To set up any of these donation options, please contact church and leave a message FAO Margaret Hughes, PCC Treasurer.


A message from our Gift Aid Secretary

"Do you pay more Personal Income Tax than a quarter  of what you donate to church?

Why not let church reduce the tax paid by you at no cost to you?

Sound good? Then read on…"

The only Government support for our church comes from tax relief on your donations (together with a temporary Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme for anonymous cash donations of £30 or less, limited to £2,000 claim for church per tax year). As an example, a £100 donation means the church can claim £25 extra back on your donation from HMRC – so long as you have/will have paid £25 in tax in the Tax Year donation given.

My role as Gift Aid Secretary, is to ensure an accurate data trail of your donations is kept, to enable me to claim 25% refund on all your donations from HM Revenue and Customs on a quarterly basis. To enable this, as a taxpayer, I need you to complete a ‘one-off donation’ envelope with your gift available in church, or – preferably – as a regular donor (be that standing order or regular giving envelope), complete a Gift Aid Declaration form. 

The Gift Aid Declaration form can be found here. Keep one half for you as a record and return the other to me care of church. If at any point in the future, you no longer pay sufficient tax to cover a quarter of your donations (the level of relief claimed by me), then just let me know.

For regular donors, I will email you a report of the claim made each tax year, for your records.

If you require any more information at any time, just contact me via the link below.

Neville Barker, Gift Aid Secretary


A one-off donation can be made online by scanning the QR code below. Thank you!