Pew Sheet: Week Commencing 4th June

Pew Sheet: Week Commencing 4th June

Pew Sheet: Week Commencing 4th June

# Pew Sheets

Pew Sheet: Week Commencing 4th June

This week's Pew Sheet is now live! 

The Jukebox Night is drawing closer - have you bought your tickets yet? If not then don't worry, you can do so here!

We also draw your attention to the item giving an Interregnum Update and regarding the PCC's meeting with Archdeacon David on 21st June.

Finally, we look forward to Revd Canon Ray Morris being with us this Sunday and leading our services.

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'Living out our call to share the Gospel in Faith, Hope and Love'

St Matthew and St Luke, Chadderton

Burnley Lane


Oldham OL1 2RE

Incumbent: Revd Elizabeth Devall SCP

Registered Charity Number: 1143492

2025 PCC of St Matthew and St Luke, Chadderton