Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 12th November

Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 12th November

Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 12th November

# News

Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 12th November

As always our meeting began with a short act of worship, led this week by Val.

Margaret presented a report on the Manchester Diocesan Autumn Council meeting which was held at St John’s Church, Bury. There were two people speaking, one in the morning and another in afternoon. Both were very interesting and gave us an insight into some of the work Mothers' Union are involved with.

Val gave a report of the service held at Manchester Cathedral to mark the end of the triennial, and the start of the new one which will begin on the 1st of January 2025. It was noted that the subscription for next year will remain at £30 and will be due in January 2025.

Mavis then gave us a short demonstration on making Christmas cards, and we all enjoyed making some.

The next meeting will be on the 10th December. Garry will be quizzing us on Christmas tunes which will be followed by our Christmas supper.

All are very welcome.

Margaret Lees

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