Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 11th February

Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 11th February

Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 11th February

# News

Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 11th February

Even though it was a very cold and wet evening, the members enjoyed our meeting.
As always we began with our service, led tonight by Susan, and Val was in the chair and she brought us up to date with all the notices from the deanery.

The branch decided their donations from the branch this year would be £50 to the Away From It All scheme, which helps families who need a break to have a short holiday. £50 was also donated to the Manchester projects.

We will be holding a cake stall on Thursday 27th of February and Sunday 1st March after both services and the profit will be given to Make a Mother's Day project, which goes towards helping families around the world.

As we had no speaker tonight, we played a very interesting game devised by Val which gave us all a lot to think about…

The meeting ended at 9 o’clock.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 11th March.

Margaret Lees

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