Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 10th December

Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 10th December

Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 10th December

# Pew Sheets

Mothers' Union Meeting Report: 10th December

This was our last meeting of the year.  We have had some varied and interesting meetings over the last 12 months, with speakers and activities and of course suppers, which I think everyone has enjoyed.

The meeting, as always, began with our short service. After the notices, Garry Johnson, the Organist and Director of Music at St Matthew's, was introduced as our speaker and we played 'Name that Tune'. Garry had put a lot of work in selecting music for us to guess, which caused no end of problems, and hilarity! Many were tunes we thought we knew but just couldn’t think of the title. Of course when at the end he gave us the answers, we all knew them, with many actual having writing them down, thus receiving a point. Lots of fun was had. After the quiz, we had our Christmas Supper which as always was splendid.

Our next meeting will be The Annual General Meeting on the 14th January 2025 when the Branch subscription will be due.

The Branch wishes everyone a Happy Christmas and hopes 2025 is a good year for all.

Margaret Lees

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'Living out our call to share the Gospel in Faith, Hope and Love'

St Matthew and St Luke, Chadderton

Burnley Lane


Oldham OL1 2RE

Incumbent: The Revd Elizabeth Devall SCP

Registered Charity Number: 1143492

2025 PCC of St Matthew and St Luke, Chadderton