Notice of Full Electoral Roll Renewal
Further to the notice that our APCM will be held on the 2nd April 2025, this year we are required to fully renew the church's Electoral Roll.
If you are a regular attendee of St Matthew's Church (as defined on the Electoral Roll registration form) then we strongly recommend that you register.
Application for the Electoral Roll is now open. Orange-coloured application forms are available from the notice board in the Narthex. When indicating your resident/none-resident status (2a, 2b or 2c), please check which parish your address falls within by referencing the map in church or by visiting A Church Near You.
Application forms are to be returned to Neville Barker, Electoral Roll Officer, in church or his home address no later than Sunday, 9th March 2025. Please see the notice in church for more details or email Neville at StMatthewsElectoralRoll[at]
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